
Production crew: (Left to right): Ivan Cooke, Christopher Redmond, Adam Bowick, Ben Milks, Susannah Heath-Eves, Nick Lacelle

Team Tattle-Tale


About the Show

Stittsville on Patrol is a short-form comedy series with a serious Napoleon complex. It just can’t accept what size it’s supposed to be.

If you watch it on Fibe TV1, there are six 10-minute episodes. Online, it’s 12 five-minute episodes. No matter how you slice it, the show is an hour of lovingly crafted idiocy.

And one thing’s for sure: there’s never been a scripted TV series more unapologetically set in the 613. Luckily, there’s enough Ottawa bashing that anyone can enjoy it.

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Christopher Redmond

Creator / Showrunner

He wrote all the episodes. He directed most of them. He takes no responsibility if the show is bad.